Friday 29 July 2011

How is my assignment going?

Very slowly is the answer to that. I was ill for a few days (really pale, weak, dizzy and nausea) not fun and made it hard to focus on a screen and remember things. Think I watched the videos like 5 times then decided to wait till my illness had passed. I am better now and have got on the way but I sadly don't think my character will be as good as I had originally planned, I'm still not happy with it. He is very basic and I'd prefer he had more... personality... originality. I am considering shrinking him down and making him a little boy instead. I think that might be more fun.

If I am going with the boy idea I was going to make a basic toy or bicycle and make a similar scene to the reservoir down the road. I've tried making some trees, they are pretty basic too though. Any way, you will see what I come up with by Monday :) If you have any comments on it then please let me know and I will play with it more... even if the assignment is finished. I like to make things right :D


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