Tuesday 12 July 2011

Been busy but kept me distracted

Apologies for not posting for ages. It was my uni bike clubs rally and as I've been in London I had been kept in the dark about the organising but with 2 weeks to go I found out that they had no bands booked! So I quickly searched for bands and luckily next day I found 'Storm' and then a mate pulled through and found the other a few days later... talk about cutting it fine. The rally did go brilliantly although I was pretty exhausted after it, I did enjoy it.

I marshalled from 11am on Friday until 1am Saturday then got woken with a start at 8.30am by someone sneaking their hand in my tent and pulling my ankle so I slid across my airbed, think I yelled "Ahhh! Somethings got me!" Really scared me at the time and for some reason my first thought was an animal. Any way, that got me up and I marshalled again until 9am on Sunday, watching the sunrise in-front of a huge bonfire, the bands, the entertainment and seeing everyone enjoying themselves made up for it though. I did get an hours nap at 9am on Sunday too but it was scorching in the tent an hour later so I woke up and I was surprised again but this time because I was surrounded by balloons and a space hopper! Must of been over 50 balloons in my tent, was very colourful but surprising to wake up to. Wish I'd taken a photo now.

After all that I'm still not home as I went to visit my mum and saw she was very stressed because she had run a deal with Groupon and couldn't cope with all the bookings and phone calls so I decided to help her by answering the phone and taking bookings and card payments. Been doing that for nearly 2 weeks now and seems a bit silly going back to London when I'm meant to be going to Red Bull's Flugtag in Roundhay Park, Leeds this weekend and then a welcome back party in Sheffield for my friend who's been travelling for about 6 months. I do miss having a bed and my own space though, my drawing suffers when I'm at my mums as I have many siblings and its busy all the time. Good thing I have a good laptop and my mum and boyfriend have good internet or I'd be spending a lot of time in coffee shops for my springboard course. Although coffee shops would be more relaxing... mmm will have rethink my plan.

I went to the Red Bull Flugtag in Leeds. I loved it although it was really slow and I think poorly arranged in some areas, it also rained so I got really muddy and wet but it was just so interesting and I was always curious how each team would do and what performance they would do. Oh and something awesome! One of the teams was called To Infinity and the Pond and they had come as characters of Toy Story and their craft was Buzz's wings and RC! Below is a picture I took of them and one I found on the internet. Even better... they won! Got tons of points for creativity and performance, didn't fly that far though, was only a few feet. Silly way of doing it in my opinion as I think the distance should be more important but still entertaining.


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